Making It Modern

November 10, 2020

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Change Your Own Oil Or Leave It To The Experts?

With our technicians you dont ever need to change your oil or repair your car on your own. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can fix almost any problem and perform regular maintenance, so why change y... More

Car Travel Fun for Families & Kids!

Car Travel Fun for Families & Kids! Remember family car trips when you were a kid, squished in the backseat of the car next to your brother and sister. There was no DVD player to entertain you, and you... More

Tire Safety & Maintenance

Tire Safety & Maintenance Tires are an important safety feature on your car. Your tires are the only points where your vehicle maintains contact with the road and they are one of the two things make your car stop (along with your brakes). The age,... More

Synthetic vs Regular Oil Change

August 28, 2019

Whenever you visit your auto repair or oil change shop for an oil change, youll face a choice: regular oil, or synthetic? Both can be good decisions, based on your vehicle, the type of driving you do, and ho... More

How Do You Know When Your Air Filter Needs to Be Changed?

Chances are, every time you take your vehicle in for an oil changeor almost any other servicea technician will ask you if you want to change your vehicles air filter. Is this a necessary bit of maintenance, or a typical attempt to sell you somethi... More